Fake Weights.com is the only online source to high quality replica dumbbells and barbell plates; at a fraction of the weight. Fake Weights offer the look, style, and design of real barbell plates used for weight lifting. Need a little encouragement to a heavier lift, we’ve got the solution. Need to show off to your friends and make a killer YouTube or Facebook video for fun and entertainment about your lifting, we’ve got the solution.

All Fake Weights on our site are sold by pairs; you get two barbell-style plates for the price reflected. What are you waiting for? Fake Weights. Fun. Encouragement.

Fake Weights introduces the world’s lightest barbell plate for technique training, viral marketing, props, fitness training and more. Our patent pending design makes this barbell plate super lightweight and durable. The SE Barbell Weight is designed to fit Olympic style barbell with a 2-inch center and weighs approximately 2.25-3.25 lbs.; very lightweight.

The Super Elite barbell plate makes it ideal for:buy fake weights, where to buy, barbell plates, olympic style, best, order, where to buy, where to get, fake weight props, fake weights online, buy fake weights, barbell plates fakes

  • Viral Marketing;
  • Sporting Goods Retail Store Designs;
  • Commercial or Movie Props;
  • Professional Photo Shoots;
  • Fitness Training;
  • Crossfit Training;
  • Gyms;
  • Personal Fitness Training;
  • Technique lifting;
  • and of course just fun!

Please sure to check out saving money with our 2, 3, and 4 SE package weights deals!



*Video not fake weights but used to illustrate the use of fake weights for lifting.

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